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Do you appreciate and support Realist Art?
The tradition of all forms of realism - including work by artists such as eight-times Archibald winner Sir William Dargie, McCubbin and Roberts?
Please support The Australian Guild of Realist Artists - AGRA - which seeks to provide a caring artistic community which promotes excellence and education in all forms of Realist Art.
it offers a hard copy magazine posted to membeers
workshops held nationwide
a 50th Anniversary Exhibition
AGRA welcomes donations and sponsorship to help fund the magazines and organisation.
(photo of Lost 1907 used with kind permission of the McCubbin family)
Payment Method
Account Name: AGRA
BSB: 063 151
Account: 1008 4598
Postal Address
PO Box 4110
Frankston Heights
Victoria 3199
Please pay through our Pay Now button or online and email your payment receipt to and